How to run OpenVPN and Pi-hole® inside docker?
September 12, 2019 • ☕️ 7 min read
I am running my OpenVPN server for a few years now. It’s great when you have to connect to a sketchy public WiFi on a phone or a laptop.
For the past year on my home network 🏡 I am also running Pi-hole® “A black hole for Internet advertisements”. It’s running on a RaspberryPi 2 and it’s successfully blocking almost all annoying ads. The only downside is up-front work that needs to be done. If your router does not support a custom DNS configuration, you need to set it on each device separately. Another issue is that it will work only when I am connected to my home network.
I wanted to have Pi-hole® even when I am outside. I have heard people using it through a VPN, but it seemed like a lot of work to set up.
I decided to give it a try. One lovely Berlin Sunday ☀️ I woke up early, already at 7 am I was sipping morning espresso, while my droplet was spinning up.
In this post, you will find out what I learned that long day, staring at the terminal errors and you learn how to quickly and easily start up your ad-blocking OpenVPN server.
The goal
The goal of this tutorial is to show you how to configure docker-compose to run your OpenVPN server with Pi-hole® DNS.
- I run the setup on Ubuntu 19.04 (Disco Dingo), but it should run on any distribution that can run docker.
- Install docker
- Install docker-compose
- VPN Domain. In your domain DNS settings, make sure it points to your server (optional).
Create a directory where your configuration will live, eg.
mkdir /srv/pivpn
Initialising OpenVPN
Before running everything in docker-compose, we need to initialize our OpenVPN
server. To persist configuration we will keep openvpn data in
and assign this directory to a docker container.
Assign this path to a variable to make running commands easier.
Run the command to generate the configuration. Replace
with your
domain. If you don’t have one, you can use the server IP address. We are also
specifying which DNS server should openvpn use with -n
. This will
be a private IP address of pihole.
docker run \
-v $OVPN_DATA:/etc/openvpn --log-driver=none --rm \
kylemanna/openvpn \
ovpn_genconfig -u udp:// -n
You will be asked for a CA passphrase to protect the private key. It’s important to remember it because it’s later used to issue client certificates.
You will be prompt for common name, you can type your domain name.
docker run \
-v $OVPN_DATA:/etc/openvpn --log-driver=none --rm -it \
kylemanna/openvpn ovpn_initpki
That’s all, your openvpn configuration is now generated and can be found
in your directory of choice (/srv/pivpn/etc-openvpn
Now we will write docker-compose file that will run our setup. Touch it 👇
touch /srv/pivpn/docker-compose.yml
We will have two services inside our docker-compose. The first is openvpn and the second is pihole. Containers will be on the same network which we will create later. The same network will allow openvpn container to use pihole as a DNS server.
Use your preferred text editor (vim FTW 🎉) and paste this configuration:
version: "3"
image: kylemanna/openvpn
- "1194:1194/udp"
- ./etc-openvpn:/etc/openvpn
restart: unless-stopped
image: pihole/pihole
- ""
- ""
# Uncomment port 80 if you want to have pihole UI
# - "80:80/tcp"
# - "443:443/tcp"
TZ: Europe/Berlin
WEBPASSWORD: yourComplexPiHoleAdminUIpassword
- ./etc-pihole:/etc/pihole
- ./etc-dnsmasq.d:/etc/dnsmasq.d
restart: unless-stopped
external: true
There is not much to configure with environment variables for openvpn.
For pihole there are a few things you can configure:
You can configure timezone with TZ
(All TZ values).
You can set different DNS servers that pihole will use with DNS1
and DNS2
variables, in this configuration I’m using
Cloudflare DNS.
You can set your own admin password for pihole admin UI.
If you want to have admin UI, uncomment ports 80 and 443 in ports
Pihole is using volumes: /srv/pivpn/etc-pihole
and /srv/pivpn/etc-dnsmasq.d
to store configuration and data which will allow us to update the container
and still have old data. Those directories will be created automatically on start.
Let’s now create a docker network for our containers.
docker network create --driver=bridge \
--subnet= --gateway= vpn-network
Before starting docker-compose, we need to do one more thing. Since pihole is essentially a DNS server, we need to disable ubuntu DNS.
⚠️ Note: Disabling ubuntu DNS means that if the pihole container is not running, your domain resolution will not work.
Disable DNS with these commands:
systemctl stop systemd-resolved
systemctl disable systemd-resolved
Everything should be ready now 🤞 Start your docker-compose with:
docker-compose up
If it is successful, you will see pihole and openvpn containers printing their logs.
Service that runs on startup
To make sure our VPN is up after a reboot, we will create Systemd service.
Create the following file in /etc/systemd/system/docker-pivpn.service
Description=Docker compose for OpenVPN server with pihole DNS
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/docker-compose --file /srv/pivpn/docker-compose.yml up -d
ExecStop=/usr/local/bin/docker-compose --file /srv/pivpn/docker-compose.yml down
After creating it, we need to enable it and reload the systemd
systemctl enable docker-pivpn.service
systemctl daemon-reload
Try to run the service.
systemctl start docker-pivpn.service
It should be running, to check it, run:
systemctl status docker-pivpn.service
Now reboot the server and check that it’s still running.
Create client config
We have OpenVPN server and Pi-hole running, but we still cannot connect to it and verify that it’s truly working and blocking ads.
Let’s generate a client certificate and configuration.
Replace the CLIENTNAME
with a descriptive name of the client that will use
this certificate eg. martin-phone
⚠️ Note: If you did a reboot, you will have to set OVPN_DATA
variable again.
docker run \
-v $OVPN_DATA:/etc/openvpn --log-driver=none --rm -it \
kylemanna/openvpn \
easyrsa build-client-full CLIENTNAME nopass
Generate client configuration with embedded certificates, replace CLIENTNAME
like you did before.
docker run \
-v $OVPN_DATA:/etc/openvpn --log-driver=none --rm \
kylemanna/openvpn ovpn_getclient CLIENTNAME > CLIENTNAME.ovpn
Download the configuration to your laptop and add it to OpenVPN client and test the connection. Visit your favorite news site and enjoy ad-free browsing.
On macOS, I am using Tunnelblick | Free open source OpenVPN VPN client server software for macOS.
On iOS, I am using the official OpenVPN Connect app.
On Android, you can use the official OpenVPN Connect app.
On Windows, you can use the official OpenVPN Community app
Install a client app of your choice, and load your configuration.
The easiest way to test if it’s working is to visit your favorite news-site or this website
And that’s how you run OpenVPN and Pi-hole® inside docker.
Thank you for reading and I hope you now have your very own ad-blocking VPN server.
- GitHub - kylemanna/docker-openvpn: 🔒 OpenVPN server in a Docker container complete with an EasyRSA PKI CA
- GitHub - pi-hole/docker-pi-hole: Pi-hole in a docker container
- How To Use Systemctl to Manage Systemd Services and Units | DigitalOcean
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